Radiata Pine

Radiata pine is one of the most common timber types in New Zealand and is renowned internationally for its versatile and durable nature. Native to California, the species has been widely planted in the southern hemisphere in exotic plantations in New Zealand, Australia, Chile and South Africa.

In 2018, New Zealand’s forestry exports were valued at $5.6 billion. Radiata pine makes up around 90 per cent of New Zealand’s 1.7 million hectares of forestry plantations and is a key driver of the country’s export market.

Radiata pine is a coniferous evergreen tree which grows up to 60 metres in cultivated estates. Due to its versatile nature, the timber can be easily processed and is widely used as structural and appearance lumber, packaging and printing paper and a range of reconstituted board products.

Aratu Forests Limited
Level 2, 77 Peel Street

P.O. Box 242

Phone: +64 6 867 9799

© Aratu Forests Limited