Conditions of Entry Permit

Requests for entry permits should be made at least one week prior to the date you plan to visit. E.g. Requests for an entry permit should be made no later than close of business on a Monday if you require a permit for the following weekend.

  • No person shall enter the forest while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • No vehicles (including motorbikes, ATVs, and minivans) are to be used within the forest.
  • The permit may be cancelled at any time by any AFL staff member. This can be done either verbally, by public notice or by advertisement.
  • Smoking and lighting of fires is prohibited.
  • Max of 4 people on one permit
  • Damage or removal of gates, fences, signs, ponds, equipment, buildings and/or trees is prohibited.
  • Access is restricted to daylight hours on weekends and public holidays only.
  • Any breaches of this policy will be viewed in a very serious light and may result in loss of entry/recreational access.
  • Where a visitor is encountered on AFL land without a valid entry permit;
    a. The person will be issued a Trespass Notice in conjunction with the NZ Police.
    b. Other forestry companies in the Tairawhiti region will be notified of the Trespass Notice.
    c. The AFL Trespass Notice is valid for two (2) years. In the event they are found on AFL land while a Trespass Notice is in force, they will be subject to prosecution under the Trespass Act 1980, Section 4 (1), (2) & (4).

In addition to this; if you are hunting:

  • Each hunter’s name will be recorded on the permit. The person issued with the permit is to be present in the forest with those named on the entry permit.
  • One member of the hunting party must carry a copy of the hunting permit and their designated hunting map with them when they are in the forest.
  • A copy of the permit must be placed on the dashboard in the vehicle so that the name of the permit holder can be clearly seen.
  • Each hunter’s firearm license must be sighted by AFL staff and license number entered on the permit.
  • One permit will be issued per hunting party, one party per area. Do not assume you are the only people in the area.
  • Hi-viz clothing must be worn at all times.
  • If game birds are being targeted, then the relevant game bird license must be sighted and noted on the permit.
  • Animal tally numbers must be returned to AFL.
  • A maximum of four (4) dogs per permit applies.

Entry Permit

To request a map of the forest, email

Aratu Forests Limited
Level 2, 77 Peel Street

P.O. Box 242

Phone: +64 6 867 9799

© Aratu Forests Limited