Long-tailed Bats

In 2010, a Bat Monitoring Programme commenced to determine whether long tailed bats (pekapeka-tou-roa) were present in Huanui forest .

The initial survey confirmed a population existed within the estate and are likely using a network of rivers and native patches as habitat and flight zones. As a result of the confirmed presence, a Bat Management Zone (BMZ) was created in Huanui Forest. The BMZ has been consistently monitored since 2010 and will continue to be monitored for the foreseeable future. The current BMZ is focused along primary watercourses within Huanui forest.

More recently, long-tailed bat monitoring was carried out in Kopua and Waimanu Forests. Monitoring identified that there was long-tailed bat presence in both forests. With this, we are currently working to gain a better understanding of these populations and how we can protect them long-term.

The aim of this work is to enable better management decisions to ensure the long-term protection of this threatened species during infrastructure, roading and forest harvest operations, and as a guideline to determine where to implement effective vertebrate pest management. The most significant threat facing this species is introduced vertebrate pests, particularly ship rats. AFL are currently working alongside a bat ecologist to gain a better understanding of these populations and how we can support them long-term.

As such, prior to any operations commencing in the BMZ a bat management plan was developed. The plan incorporates:

  • Protection of feeding corridors
  • Protection of stream water quality alongside commercial harvesting operations
  • Protection of potential roosting sites
  • Pest management
  • Ongoing monitoring

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